Engine and power equipment ;
- Service,
- Preventive Maintenance
- Repairs
RV Generators, Onan & Generac only
- Standby Generators, Generac only
- Riding mowers, most brands, as time allows
- Trimmers, & Saws limited to those purchased directly from N E Small Engine
- Rebuilds, limited availability
Services may be scheduled in advance for your convenience.
Estimates: Are approximate only, and may vary widely due to unforeseen problem. A full tear down is necessary to give a more accurate estimate.Cost of tear down for estimate varies by size of job.
Authorization of Repairs: To start a customer agrees to charges Up to; (NO-- String Trimmers) $65 on walk mowers; $ 185 on Rear engine riders; $130 on rear tine tillers; $ 250 on all tractors & Zero turns; (NO-- Saws) $85 on Generators and Pressure washers. These # 's are a guideline for initial repairs and service allowed before we need to call for further approval.
Deposits: A deposit will be required at time of our recieving equipment to service. All Push Mowers, Trimmers, Saws, pressure washers NOT purchased HERE will be REQUIRED to Pay $25 (non-refundable) at time of drop off of equipment. Half may at times be used towards purchase of new equip. from N E Small Engine.
ALL Major Repairs / overhauls / etc. that may exceed $200 or 1/4 the value of the equipment maybe charged a down payment before work can proceed.
Unclaimed Equipment; Units not picked up and paid for within 30 days of completion will beconsidered abandoned, and disposed of, with NO reimbursement due the customer/owner. After 3 attempts to reach the customer.
STORAGE FEES; Units still here 10 days after completion of repairswill be subject to a $2 / day storage fee. Unless prior written agreement. ALL RUSHED jobs will be charged starting - 4 days ofter completion.
JOB INQUIRIES; A $5 fee may be charged for inquiries made about job status/ completion, whether by phone or in person, if before 10 days or estimated completion time, whichever is longer.
JOB TIMES; Tuneups - 7 to 14 days avg. - Repairs - 7 days to 4 weeks - Overhauls 3 - 6 weeks, all times depend upon work flow levels and parts availability.
EXPRESS TUNEUPS- 24 hours, Expect higher Fees/ MUST be picked up in 24 hours of completion.
FAX 814-766-9966